MitraByMira donating to educational programs for tolerance

Hello dear friends, 
As you may already know, a while back I decided that a portion of the profits from my store MitraByMira will go to educational programs for tolerance. The decision felt compatible with the goals of the store which are to spread positive messages of Peace and Human Solidarity through activist design and apparel.
Today I want to introduce you to the program I have partnered with.
"Shared Learning" is an educational program by The Abraham Initiatives which brings Jewish and Arab middle school students in Israel together to learn English, gain understanding, build friendships and promote tolerance.
I have been a board member on the Abraham Initiatives for quite a few years now (A completely voluntary role), and am extremely proud to support this program, as I strongly believe that educating young people for tolerance, understanding, respect and dialogue is our best vaccine against hatred.
In the video below I talk about Shared Learning and my partnership with the program. 

More about Shared Learning also in this VIDEO.

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